TCS Expedition Leader:
Andrea Plechacova

Andrea discovered her passion for travel as a teenager when she toured in Asia as a member of a classical music ensemble. She obtained a master’s degree in social and cultural anthropology in her hometown of Prague, and has been working in luxury tourism for over 15 years. Her previous work involved organizing events for prestigious agencies across Europe. She joined TCS in 2016 and has been on the road with us ever since. Barcelona was her home for over 12 years, but now she resides in the Canary Islands, closer to her beloved Morocco.
20 Questions with Andrea
1. In my carry-on bag I always have my mirror-camera, a paper notebook, pens, anti-bug roll-on and a lipstick!
2. On my first TCS Expedition I spent the whole month in Africa and thought how blessed I was. I realized how many incredible stories and unforgettable memories you can collect in 3 weeks on the road.
3. The most unique thing I have done on a TCS expedition was hiking with gorillas in Rwanda, swimming with the sea lions and penguins in Galápagos, and spending an afternoon with the Embera tribe in Panamá.
4. A place I thought I’d dislike, but I fell in love with was Iran.
5. My absolute favorite hotel is probably The Brando, French Polynesia. The whole atoll is like a fairy tale.
6. One place I haven’t seen yet, which I’m dying to visit is Southern Patagonia. I am madly in love with mountains, pristine nature and vast spaces.
7. The strangest food I have ever tried is fried worms and grasshoppers in Cambodia. Crunchy!
8. Some of my favorite countries to eat in are Perú, Ecuador, Japan, Indonesia.
9. The best meal I ever had was it is so difficult to say! But I was so impressed by Ecuadorian cuisine and I really loved eating ceviche at Mashpi Lodge, Ecuador.
10. The best souvenir I ever bought myself is a 19th-century prayer carpet from Cappadocia, Turkey.
11. My favorite market in the world is the souks of Marrakech! I am such a fan of Morocco in general, but Marrakech with its smells, colors and markets is my favorite. I could spend days and days just wondering around.
12. The one place I love going back to is Rwanda. I was once considering moving there. That is how much I love Kigali and the Rwandans.
13. When I need to relax I hurry back to my little island. I am so lucky to live in a paradise (Canary Island). I love to relax in my little village, to hike the mountains and to jump into the ocean every day I can.
14. My favorite thing to do on vacation is not need to plan anything 🙂 and meeting the locals.
15. My favorite experience for guests on a TCS Expedition is when I see them emotional, surprised, overwhelmed by beauty, learning about other cultures, living their once-in-a-lifetime moment…
16. In my suitcase, you’d be surprised to find space! I am always ready to fill it with some new objects and souvenirs from the road.
17. Before I go to a country, I try to learn about their history and culture … and how to say “hello” and “thank you.”
18. The first time I traveled abroad, I went to Germany. It was right after the fall of the Berlin Wall and we (Czechoslovakians) could finally start to travel west.
19. My favorite foreign language to listen to is Italian. It’s like listening to the opera.
20. My best piece of travel advice is talk to the locals. Be curious, ask them questions and listen to their stories.